Welcome to Heartways

Your alternative to ​traditional counselling

Finding the right counsellor is important.
Get your first session free to make sure we’re the right fit for you.





Were you ever told that ​you’re too much...?

Or, not enough?

You’re too loud, too sensitive,
too quiet!

Moving from pain to healing is a journey, ​but you don’t have to travel alone.

How We Help

24/7 Availability

Available 24/7 for shift ​workers, busy parents, and ​people who can’t afford to ​take the time off work to me​et. We are there for you ev​ery step of the way, ev​ery hour of the day.

Mobile Outreach

Meet in our offices ​downtown, on the phone, ​over video or, we’ll come ​to you for maximum ​comfort and privacy. All of ​our services are judgment-​free & 100% confidential.


Healing can mean bringing ​in other family members. ​We offer co-counselling ​options so that everyone ​present has an ally. Move ​past the pain & trauma and ​heal together.


When we are hurt, we ​often hurt those we love ​the most. We provide ​compassionate support ​to help you repair ​damaged relationships.

Addictions Counselling

To help cope with pain, people often develop habits that soothe in the short term but become disruptive to their lives over the long term.

We don’t try to stop behaviours, we look at what’s causing them.

You are the expert on your life. We bring relentless, ferocious hope and lived experience that you can lean on as we walk your healing journey together.





Is someone you love struggling with addiction?

I think my mom has a problem, how do I convince my family? I don’t want to be accused and be wrong…


I’m at my wits end with my teen, I don’t know what to do…


Does my husband really have a problem? When I say something, he denies it…

Meet Your
Counselling Team

Heartways is here to help you make connections, find hope, and walk with you on your healing journey. Whether you or someone you love is facing mental health and/or addiction challenges, the Heartways team has the experience and compassion you need to move forward.
The Heartways Team: Aaron, Shannon, and Mike.

“I don’t know why I’m here or where to start, I just need to talk to someone...”

You’re in the right place. Our first session is about finding hope, letting go of fear and shame, and discovering that you don’t have to do this alone.

Our Commitment to Truth and Reconciliation and Cultural Safety

With intention and deliberate effort to build respectful relationships and trust with the Original Peoples of the unceded lands of the Syilx Okanagan territory, we acknowledge we are uninvited guests on these lands. We have a personal and professional responsibility to uphold the Calls to Action outlined by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, with the goal to transition from ally to accomplice, ensuring the truth of the ongoing generational trauma of residential schools, the sixties scoop, MMIWG&Two-Spirited, and systemic racism is shared, never diluted, and never forgotten.